That’s right–your children don’t have to be raised by “the perfect mom” to grow up to be good, decent, hardworking, honest, fun-loving, caring, responsible adults.
But what they do need is something every mother can give. Kids need mothers who aren’t afraid to be Real Moms.
“Okay–so ‘What makes a mom real?'” you ask. Good question… one that isn’t easily answered. And yet, there is a way to remember the eight key attributes of “real moms.”
“What Makes a Mom Real” is the fact that she…
Recognizes that baby wipes can clean more than dirty baby bottoms;
Expects to have someone else with her in the bathroom when she “really needs to go;”
Acknowledges that McDonald’s is actually one of the four basic food groups;
Lets her kids eat food off the floor so they can add extra fiber to their diet;
Makes the carpool run to school in her pajamas;
Occasionally picks the pacifier off the floor, licks it, then gives it back to the fussy baby in the grocery store;
Might be so tired the morning after an all-nighter with her three-year-old that she accidentally brushes her teeth with hemorrhoid crème;
Shows other moms that she doesn’t “have it all together” — and that that’s okay.
If you’re longing to be free to accept your imperfections, and not to feel so guilty about your limitations, you can. Ask the Lord for guidance. Get involved with other mothers (that means joining a group like MOPS!).
Mothering was not meant to be done alone. So find a friend to help you through it. You can do it.. .as long as you “keep it real.”
(Excerpt from the book, Real Moms: Exploding the Myths of Motherhood by Elisa Morgan and Carol Kuykendall. Adapted by Jim Burns, Ph.D.)