With the release of my new book Doing Life With Your Adult Children: Keep Your Mouth Shut & The Welcome Mat Out, I’ve had several opportunities to give radio interviews on the topic.
Today, I want to pass along links to two broadcasts where you can listen to the interviews.
Point of View Radio Talk Show, with Kerby Anderson: http://podcast.ncfr.net/?p=8467
In the Market with Janet Parshall on Moody Radio: https://www.moodyradio.org/programs/in-the-market-with-janet-parshall/2019/03/3.26.2019-how-do-you-feel-about-how-you-feel—parenting-grown-up-kids/
Also, an article excerpted from the book made it to the national news feed. You can read it here:
Order you copy here: https://homeword.com/product/doing-life-with-your-adult-children/