SEMINAR COURSE: Creating an Intimate Marriage
by Dr. Jim Burns
For most couples, developing intimacy and drawing closer together doesn’t come easy. However, it is very possible to refresh and improve your marriage. In this course, you will learn to set the mood, tone and atmosphere in your relationship and to rekindle romance as well as work on the issues that can keep a marriage from thriving.
Some of the topics to be covered are:
Making Your Marriage a Priority
Rekindling Romance and Intimacy
Improving Communication
Resolving Conflicts
Growing Together Spiritually
Fun In Your Marriage
Creative Dates
And much more…
If you have ever felt your marriage moving toward stale, this course is for you. It is presented in a fun, enjoyable, practical, and grace-filled manner. You will laugh, be inspired with great tools for a deeper relationship.
This course is for married couples