Meygan and Casey Caston have a great organization at Marriage365.org. They are friends and they are great. I liked this blog on their website filled with some excellent date ideas.
30 Fall Date Ideas You Have to Try
For those of you who don’t live in the 113 degree, burning hot southern parts of California… this may not be as exciting to you as it is to me, but it is exciting either way! I have kept two tiny kids indoors and out of the hot sun while my husband has been busy working for weeks now and I am so excited to finally be able to escape for date nights with him and do all the romantic fall-things together.
- Go apple picking & bake an apple pie together afterwards
- Visit a pumpkin patch, do some pumpkin carving & bake the pumpkin seeds
- Is it even fall if you don’t get a Pumpkin Spice Latte or Hazelnut Macchiato?
- Open the windows to let in the cool air, light a fire, make some homemade popcorn, and watch Hocus Pocus or Ghostbusters
- Find local cider and wine tasting events
- Camping, s’mores, & stargazing
- Go to a haunted house together and get hot chocolate afterwards.
- Drive around and look at fall / Halloween decorations in your local area
- Go to a Harvest Festival or local Fall Fest
- Go see a movie at the drive-in with tons of blankets
- Invite friends to a bonfire and listen to some good music
- Go to the nearest “Old Town” and explore
- Go for a walk together, all bundled up, and enjoy the fall leaves
- Go antiquing!
- Go to a costume party dressed as a dynamic duo
- Search for “Fall Desserts” on Pinterest or Google and pick one to make together
- Cook dinner together! Nothing says “Fall is here!” like soup does.
- Make coffee & pumpkin spice waffles on a Saturday morning and snuggle in bed
- Have a Murder Mystery Party with your friends
- Make Caramel Apples together
- Make homemade donuts and decorate them
- Do a fall couples photo shoot
- Light fall-scented candles and melt into each other 😉
- Go zip-lining through the fall leaves!
- Pop Popcorn on the cob
- Get lost in a corn-maze together
- Make a fort in the living room, put on a movie, and make out!
- Have a chili cook off with your best friends
- Have a dinner date where you both try a new kind of food you’ve never had before
- Football game and tailgating; don’t forget the bratwurst – yummy!