How to be the Grooviest Grandparents in Town
“Now that I have grandchildren, this is my priority! It’s a marvelous love affair between generations.”
Just today as I began writing this chapter on grandparenting, I looked up at the clock and realized I had volunteered to pick up our grandson James from preschool at noon. It was almost time to pick him up, but I was on a roll with my writing. The car seat was in my car, and Cathy was watching Charlotte, our three-year-old granddaughter, and Huxley, our six-month-old grandson. It was a full day of grandparenting and out of the question to bail on the pickup. I found myself in the familiar old rush of young parents.
At the school, the line was long and chaotic, and the parking lot was a mess. I got out of my car, and suddenly, I saw my grandson jumping up and down and yelling to all his friends, “Yay! Yay! My Papa J is here! My Papa J is here!” Then he pointed at me and, with great energy, shouted, “That’s my Papa J!” He jumped out of the waiting area before he was really supposed to and came running into my arms. I’m so glad I was wearing sunglasses, because my eyes were filled with tears of joy.
The love affair between a grandparent and a grandchild is beyond description. I instantly lost all interest in my writing and other responsibilities and just wanted to spend as much time as possible with my little five-year-old buddy. I am quite aware that he will reach an age when his unbounding enthusiasm for me will diminish. But this I know: I have a shot at building a legacy of love with these grandchildren of mine as I make them a top priority for my life. I’ve never felt unconditional love and overwhelming acceptance from another human like I have from my grandchildren. I want them to feel the same from me.