In less than a month my new book Have Serious Fun and 12 Other Principles to Make Each Day Count is going to be released. I’m very excited about it. Somebody called it my “legacy book.” And although to quote a line from a Monty Python movie, “I’m not dead yet!”; it is a bit of a legacy book because I’m sharing 13 of the most important principles in my life. In the next few weeks with the blog, I’ll give you a taste of some of the content in the book.
The phrase Have Serious Fun is new but the concept goes all the way back to research I did for my PhD dissertation on “traits of a healthy family.”
One of those traits is playing together. Play brings families together while building more affirmation and support. Families who have focused fun times together have a greater sense of belonging and joy as a family unit. Another interesting fact is that most people also have lower stress no matter what their circumstances. How’s the tension in your life right now? Some stress in your life is not bad, especially if it’s short lived. But constantly feeling out of control and overstressed can be the root of broken relationships and health risks. Here are just a few ways to know whether you are overstressed:
- Do you experience a sense of urgency and hurry or have no time to release, play, or relax?
- Do you have underlying tension that causes sharp words, harsh startups to conversations, hurt feelings, or misunderstood messages?
- Are you preoccupied with escaping, finding peace, going on vacation, quitting work, or dreaming of a life with less stress?
- Do you constantly feel frustration about getting things done that you can’t shut off?
- Do you have a nagging desire to find a simpler life?
How did you do with those questions on being overstressed? Is it time to take a short break and reconnect? If so, what’s holding you back?