SEMINAR COURSE: Building Healthy Morals & Values
by Dr. Jim Burns
Popular culture continues to change and challenge us for authority and influence over our kids. This seminar will help parents, youth and children’s workers and counselors develop a strategy for guiding kids towards healthy choices in such areas as entertainment, sexuality, substance abuse and creating a media-safe home.
The decisions kids make today will often affect them for the rest of their lives. Young people experience so much so young. In an ever changing generation how can parents deal with the sexual revolution, drug and alcohol revolution, and the ever-changing media revolution? During this course parents will develop a plan for presenting positive, value-centered sex education, focus on the prevention of drug and alcohol use and abuse, and get a handle on the rapidly changing media and technology. You will create a family guide and contract for TV, movies, music and media. This seminar will also provide parenting insights to help your kids navigate through the constantly changing culture.
This course is for parents and grandparents of all-age children.