SEMINAR COURSE: Confident Parenting
by Dr. Jim Burns
Confident Parenting is an excellent strategy for raising responsible kids who make healthy decisions. Topics that are covered are Finding Replenishment for Overcrowded Lives, Overcoming Negative Family Patterns, Creating a Grace-Filled Home, Communication, and Raising Kids Who Love God, as well as a strategy to create a healthy family atmosphere.
Unfortunately, most people parent their kids by circumstance and chance. This course offers a comprehensive approach to developing a healthy God-honoring parenting philosophy.
Topics to be covered are:
Finding Replenishment for Overcrowded Lives
Overcoming Negative Family Patterns
Creating a Grace-Filled Home
Communication with Affection, Warmth, and Encouragement
Raising Kids Who Love God
Creating a Media Safe Home
Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality
You will also learn a strategy to create a healthy family atmosphere. If you are a totally confident parent, this course is not for you! If you are at times humbled by the task of raising your kids to become responsible adults, then this course is for you! Whether you are a couple, a single parent, or a grandparent – this lively and informative course will encourage you and provide you with the help you need to become a confident parent. Parents can become more confident as they develop a healthy plan for the family.
This seminar is for parents and grandparents of all-age children.