
Educación Sexual Sana Para Tus Hijos

by Jim Burns

Harper Collins / 2010 / Softcover / 160


Jim Burns, una autoridad respetada en lo que se refiere a la familia, bosqueja una guía sencilla y práctica para los padres sobre cómo desarrollar en sus hijos una perspectiva saludable con respecto a sus cuerpos y su sexualidad. Abarcando mucho más que solo cuándo y cómo tener ‘la charla’, este invalorable recurso propicia el desarrollo de una ‘teología de la sexualidad saludable’ mediante la introducción de un diálogo apropiado a la edad durante toda la vida del joven.

This resource is also available in English: Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality.

It’s not just the birds and the bees anymore.

You may have been eleven once, but you were never their age. Thanks to the Internet, graphic images in the media, and their “know-it-all” friends, kids today grow up earlier than ever. They have questions, and as a parent, your responsibility is to clear up the mixed messages and lead them to a healthy, value-centered view of sexuality. Sure, conversations with your kids about sex and their changing bodies can be uncomfortable–but they don’t have to be. Jim Burns gives expert advice on how and when to talk with your children, and he provides answers to the most difficult questions your kids and teens might ask, like:

How far is too far? If you do “everything but sex,” are you still a virgin? Is self-stimulation wrong? I think I’m addicted to porn. What can I do to get help? Is a boy/girl sleepover okay if there’s a chaperone?

The world’s culture may have cheapened sex, but God’s view of sexuality is wonderfully made. Talking with your kids at a young age will help them make more godly decisions along the way, but they’ll need conversation with you at every age. This is your opportunity to establish in them a lasting sexual integrity that will extend throughout their lives.

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