The following is excerpted from an online article posted by StudyFinds.
The typical family spends just six hours together a week, thanks in part to long working hours and time spent diving down the digital device rabbit hole.
According to a survey of 2,000 British parents with children at home, most agree that work shifts hinder family quality time (56 percent). Other factors include homework (29 percent), household chores (27 percent), TV time (21 percent), social media use (20 percent), and after-school activities (19 percent).
When families are at home together, 37 percent admit they don’t set aside specific time to spend with one another. The survey finds half of the respondents think there are too many distractions in the home — particularly devices with screens — which impact quality time.
There’s plenty of research that shows how eating meals together as a family has positive effects on everyone. To that end, a quarter of parents would like to eat more family meals together to encourage conversation, as 42 percent say they struggle to initiate chats with their children. The most popular topics around the table when they do dine together are school (50 percent), TV shows (48 percent), and friendships (46 percent).
Source: StudyFinds