It’s been said that a New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. Maybe this is why many people don’t participate in the annual ritual. One survey found that 55% of Americans either never or only infrequently set New Year’s resolutions and that only 8% of Americans are always successful in keeping their resolutions. With odds like that, why bother?
So, what if we reset the “resolutions” bar at a reasonable height? It just might make a difference. With the right attitude going in, the following five “just for today” resolutions can help to get your family’s 2022 off to a positive start. Whether you try one or all five, these are resolutions that almost everyone has a good shot of accomplishing — something that your family can live with. As you succeed, you might even end up incorporating some of them into your family life and identity.
Five Resolutions for 2022
1) Just for today, I resolve to pray. This doesn’t have to be difficult. Sometime during the day, just say a short prayer. Thank God for something, or praise God for something, or tell God you love Him, or confess something to Him, or ask Him for something, or ask Him for something for someone other than yourself.
2) Just for today, I resolve to say, “I love you” to someone. It’s really not hard, and if you try, you really can find the moment it takes to say it, email it, text it, or show it. There are few sayings more powerful in the life of another than these three little words.
3) Just for today, I resolve to appreciate the world around me. Take a moment or two to smell the roses, or look at the blue sky (or clouds, or rain, or snow, or ocean, mountains, trees… you get the picture) and let the beauty of the world God created roll over you.
4) Just for today, I resolve to read from the Bible. No length requirements and no reading plan here. Today, just take some moments to read something from God’s Word. Whatever you do here, it will be good for your life and your soul (See Psalm 119:105).
5) Just for today, I resolve to spend some time with my family. The breathless pace we live life is breaking families apart. So today, give your family the gift of your presence. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just make some space in your day to be with your family.