It’s been said that a New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. Maybe this is why many people don’t participate in the annual ritual. One survey found that 55% of Americans either never or only infrequently set New Year’s resolutions and that only 8% of Americans are always successful in keeping their resolutions. With odds like that, why bother?
So, what if we reset the “resolutions” bar at a reasonable height? It just might make a difference. With the right attitude, the following five “just for today” resolutions can help to get your family’s 2025 off to a positive start. Whether you try one or all five, these are resolutions that almost everyone has a good shot at accomplishing — something that your family can live with. As you succeed, you might even incorporate some of them into your family life and identity.
Five Resolutions for 2025
#1: Just for today, I resolve to create some warmth in my home. Everyone at home wins when we do our part to create a warm and loving atmosphere at home. Today, try some kind words, engage, pay attention (be a good listener), show appropriate physical contact (a kiss, a hug, a touch), encourage, and lighten up.
#2: Just for today, I resolve not to compare myself to anyone else. The temptation always exists, doesn’t it? Yet, playing the comparison game is never good for us. We can always find someone who appears to have more, better, or easier. Remember, we always lose when we compare what we know to be true about ourselves with what we don’t know for sure about others.
#3: Just for today, I resolve to give someone a choice. Life can begin to weigh us down when we feel we have no choices. Today, lighten someone else’s load by finding a way to offer them a choice. Perhaps it’s offering your child a choice between several chores around the house. Maybe it’s simply asking your spouse what they would like to watch on television this evening.
#4: Just for today, I resolve to prepare. We all have something on the horizon that will benefit from some advanced preparation. The time invested in preparation usually pays off when the time to act on that something arrives. Today, look ahead to that future event, deadline, or project and take some time to prepare.
#5: Just for today, I resolve to laugh. It has been said that laughter is the best medicine. But many of us are too busy, live too complicated lives, or are in the midst of painful life situations, which makes laughter a rare occurrence. Just for today, add laughter to your to-do list. Take a few moments to remember a good joke, or watch a comedy or a funny video clip online.