No person, from a Christ-follower to a staunch atheist, is exempt from the challenges and struggles that come along with the journey through this life. Still, I think one of the biggest differences between the Christ-followers and those who are not — is that the Christ-follower has access to an incredible source of hope. This type of hope is powerful. It makes a difference. It is a key component of the Christian life.
True, most people “hope” for something. Some hope for good health. Some hope that they win the lottery. These kinds of hope are expressions of our desires. The Christian variety of hope however is much deeper. Our Christian hope is called a “living hope” in the Scripture. It is grounded upon the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3). The Christian’s hope is more than just a fanciful wish. It’s the assurance that God will keep his promises to us. We read in Hebrews 10:23, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” This hope gives us the reason to face tomorrow with confidence.
If you are a mother, there have likely been days when you’ve struggled with hope. Perhaps your kids have been misbehaving, or you aren’t feeling the kind of support from your family that you need in order to thrive. You might be concerned about what kind of adult your child will grow into. Maybe you just can’t see beyond this “season” in life. If any of these scenarios ring true, let me share some special words of encouragement. If you can raise your head above the waterline of anxiety and look to the Lord as your source of strength and hope, I believe you will find relief for your soul.
The hope you have makes a big difference on your children. You can give your kids a tremendous gift by sharing hope with them. Passing along hope is a wonderful legacy. It begins, of course, by modeling the Christian life openly before your children. You plant these seeds of hope in their lives as you respond with hope even in the midst of life’s most difficult challenges. When you live life with hope, you teach your kids that that God holds your (and their) future safely in His hands. When you allow God’s hope to fill your life, it will never let you down. Romans 5:5 reads, “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”
Let me leave you with some practical characteristics of moms who exhibit the power of hope:
• Hopeful moms are optimistic. They look for the best in situations and in their kids instead of picking out the worst.
• Hopeful moms focus on the future not on the past. They look forward to opening new doors when other doors have closed.
• Hopeful moms view problems as opportunities.
• Hopeful moms have a real view of circumstances but refuse to resort to cynicism.
• Hopeful moms understand that God still cares for them and their families in the midst of difficult situations.