The following is excerpted from an online article posted by StudyFinds.
In a revealing new survey, American parents are shedding light on the complexities of packing school lunches and the creative lengths they go to ensure their children eat nutritiously. The poll of 2,000 parents with school-aged kids unveils some startling statistics about the modern school lunch experience and parental strategies for promoting healthy eating habits.
One of the most striking findings is that nearly a third of parents (29%) admit to eating their children’s uneaten lunch leftovers for dinner. This resourceful approach comes as parents estimate that, on average, 21 percent of their child’s lunch returns home uneaten each day.
While 43 percent of parents believe today’s school lunches are healthier than those of their own childhood, and 28 percent note increased variety, the classic sandwich (61%), chips (56%), and juice (52%) combination remains the most popular lunch option.
Parental guilt plays a significant role in lunch-packing decisions, with 60 percent of respondents feeling remorseful when opting for easy, less healthy options due to time constraints (20%) or their child’s pickiness (21%). This guilt has led to some extreme measures, with 79 percent of parents reporting they’ve gone to dramatic lengths to keep unhealthy foods away from their children. These tactics include avoiding certain foods at the store (30%), hiding them (18%), and even telling white lies (13%).
Source: StudyFinds
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