In my continuing series on families and finance I want us to think about giving and savings. Here is my belief: Give 10 percent and save 10 percent.
Give 10 Percent, Save 10 Percent
This may be an oversimplification, but I have never met anyone who consistently has tithed on his or her income and saved another 10 percent of his or her income and has had a major financial problem. Back to the millionaires next door: They probably acquired their wealth through the miracle of compound interest and a drastic savings program. Hopefully these same people took seriously the biblical mandate of the tithe and applied it to their lives as well.
Several years ago, I helped run the annual stewardship campaign for our church. It was an enlightening experience to say the least. A few of us read the pledge cards, so for that season I was in the know regarding who gave what to the church. It was a most humbling experience. As I looked at the families who were generous with their gifts, I noticed that they were by no means the wealthiest. I noticed something else: They were many of the healthiest families in our congregation.
If you don’t currently have a savings plan, start small, but start this week. If you don’t regularly give a percentage of your income back to God, then start today. It’s a great reminder that all of your treasure ultimately comes from Him.