El Código De La Pureza
by Jim Burns & Lucas Leys
¡Las decisiones que tomamos en la adolescencia nos afectan por el resto de nuestra vida! Por esa razón este es un libro muy importante. En estas páginas dos héroes del ministerio con adolescentes (uno de habla inglesa y otro de habla hispana) te ayudaran a decidir lo mejor que puedes hacer con tu sexualidad. ¡La verdadera santidad no es aburrida sino una garantía de éxito y por eso el plan de Dios es tan sensacional! Practicar el código de la pureza es disfrutar la vida plenamente, y responder si alguna vez te preguntaste algo como esto: * ¿Qué significan estos cambios en mi cuerpo y estos nuevos deseas? * ¿Cuál es la edad ideal para un noviazgo? * ¿Qué hacer si me han abusado sexualmente? * ¿Qué son y cómo evitar las enfermedades veneras? ¡Este libro tiene que estar entre tus propiedades predilectas!
This resource is also available in English: The Purity Code.
In honor of God, my family, and my future spouse, I commit my life to sexual purity.
Can you believe that the decisions you make today can affect you for the rest of your life? That’s why thousands of preteens and teens are committing to the Purity Code. It’s a promise to God, your family, and your future spouse to live a life of sexual integrity and purity. It might sound easy, but it actually takes an incredible amount of faith in God and a lot of self-discipline to make it work.
To fully live by the Purity Code, you need to understand sex and your body. This book is a must-read if you’ve ever wondered:
What do the changes in my body mean? Am I old enough to go out on a date? How far is too far? What do I do if I think I’ve been sexually abused? Can I get an STD without having sex?
They’re probably some of your most embarrassing questions, but you’ll need honest answers to make the important decision to keep your body, mind, eyes, and heart pure. With the Purity Code as your lifelong personal challenge, you’ll honor both God and yourself, and you’ll be healthier and happier for life!
A Note to Parents: Kids learn best when they talk and you listen. After you’ve read Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality, read The Purity Code together with your child and discuss the questions at the end of each chapter. Since every child is different, some of the material may need to be adapted to fit each individual’s maturity level.