Many parents desire to have a regular family “devotional” time but struggle with how to make it work for them, in terms of both structure and content.
We want to help. So, we’ve created a resource in which parents will find 52 separate faith conversations for leading their family in discussions and study about God and the Christian life. We are pleased to provide this resource to you at no cost.
Click the link to download this resource: 52 Faith Conversations
Faith Conversation Topics
1. Prayer: Conversation with God
2. Developing a Disciplined Devotional Life
3. Worship
4. Confession and Forgiveness
5. Thanksgiving
6. Discipleship
7. Spiritual Growth
8. The Church
9. Serving the Poor and Oppressed
10. Getting Your Priorities Straight
11. Obedience
12. Integrity
13. The Power of Affirmation and Encouragement
14. God and Sex
15. The Fight for Control
16. Your Mind and the Media
17. Discretionary Viewing
18. Family Roles and Goals
19. Resolving Conflict
20. Frazzled Families
21. Why Worry?
22. Anger Management
23. Obsessions With Possessions
24. The Path to Greatness
25. Betrayal and Forgiveness
26. Playing the Game
27. The Cost of Commitment
28. What You See is Not Always What You Get
29. The Power of Bad Habits
30. Words and Actions Reveal Your Heart
31. Evaluating Your Influence
32. Family Relationships
33. Away in a Palace? (Christmas)
34. For Unto Us a Child is Born (Christmas)
35. When Your Heart Grows Three Sizes (Christmas)
36. Do Not Be Afraid! (Christmas)
37. Christmas: Just in Time!
38. Who Packs Your Parachute?
39. Jumping to Conclusions
40. The Damage of Gossip
41. Is Jesus for Sale?
42. Are You Willing to Change Course?
43. It’s Good News
44. What’s Going On?
45. Who Will You Turn To?
46. Life in the Balance
47. Just Like Mom and Dad
48. Tearing Down or Building Up?
49. I Love My Family. Really?
50. Let’s All be Different, Together
51. Good Advice
52. Porn Nation