The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. –John 10:10
I played competitive volleyball for thirteen years. I was fortunate to play not only in high school and college, but also for the National Team, and professionally, before I finally hung up my sneakers and retired. Most of the time, I was an energetic, passionate, and free-spirited player. However, for part of my playing career when I was 18, I was plagued with fear.
If you had seen a match, you might not have noticed. But if you were on my team, you would see that I simply froze during warm-ups. I could not perform and put the ball where I needed to during certain drills. It was humiliating. Somehow, the anxiety, fear, pressure, and desire to perform well all accumulated in those moments and I simply could not perform. All I could hear in my head was the imagined voice of my coach telling me I was weak, horrible, letting the team down.
It was a lie.
The truth is, God had gifted me with the ability to lead teams and play volleyball well. For every truth, though, there is a lie. Satan comes to steal our joy and keep us from believing the truth. These lies made me believe I would never be good enough, never be as good as, or never amount to anything. They were coupled with unrealistic expectations and a voice that simply said over and over, “You’re awful. There is something wrong with you.”
This happens in other areas of life as well. Instead of resting in the fact that God loves us and made us just the way He wanted to, we get caught up in the lies. The lies say we are bad people. The lies say we cannot be forgiven, that we are unlovable, that we deserve pain, and if I don’t read my Bible enough, God will not be near…
Here is the truth: God made each of us purposefully. He uniquely crafted us with the exact right amount of skills, talents, and abilities. We are to rejoice and be glad in how the Lord makes us. He is our Father and we are His children. He wants to give us good gifts and He delights in us. He loves us unconditionally.
Don’t let the lies of Satan gain a foothold in your life. Stand firm on the truth–God’s truth.
1. Think through the lies that Satan has tricked you into believing. What is the truth that God offers?
2. This week, how can you make sure to catch yourself and focus on the truth of who God made you to be?
John 8:32,44; Romans 8:15-17; Ephesians 2:6-7