“I literally had on my to-do list to write a bolg on this subject. My friend Lucille Williams sent this blog in and I think it’s better than I could have written. Some great practical thoughts on how to improve your relationship during this crazy season of our lives”
At the start of the coronavirus quarantine, I was in another state and away from my husband. We live in California and I was visiting family in Texas. I became a little… somewhat… marginally… obsessively scared that I wouldn’t be able to fly home. I said to my husband, “Promise me you’ll drive here to Texas if my flight gets canceled and come get me.” I began praying daily that I’d be able to get home.
So for me, just being home with my husband has given me laser focus on being thankful that we are together.
We are living in some crazy times. Each day brings new information and new challenges. During this trying time it can become easy to allow fear to take over, lose ourselves, and lose sight of what’s most important.
What if we could create new fun and new connecting experiences?
What if we could grow closer through this pandemic?
What if we could emerge on the other side of this with a more vibrant marriage, and stronger bond with our spouse?
What if we could reconnect in an unprecedented way?
We can surrender to fear and anxiety and frustration or we can look for opportunity in the everyday of our time being “grounded.” I sort of feel like a kid again being grounded to my room. Do you? Only this time I have a TV, a computer, and my boyfriend gets to stay over. Which makes it a bit fun.
Are you ready for some ideas to become more connected during this period of being “grounded”?
Date Nights
Did you have date nights before this quarantine? Just because there aren’t any restaurants you can dine at don’t let that stop you from dating. Maybe you don’t usually do date nights with your spouse. Now is a good time to start. But with most things closed what is a couple to do?
Here are date night ideas and steamy suggestions to keep the passion alive:
Go through a drive-thru together and pick up dinner. Then go park. Yes, “park,” like you are two teenagers. Eat your dinner and see what happens.
Have a picnic in the backyard, patio, or living room. Lay out a blanket, pillows, and put away the phones. Give each other uninterrupted attention.
Candlelight Dinner
Have a romantic dinner at home with candles, good food, and flowers. Dress up just for your Lothario. If you have kids, put them to bed early and enjoy an adult evening.
Cook Meals Together
Cooking together can be very sensual. Rummage through recipes and pick a dish you both will enjoy. Take a trip to the grocery store to purchase your ingredients, and remember to hold hands. (It may be a good idea to have back-up choices just in case items are sold out. Who knows, you may even score some toilet paper!) When you get home prepare a meal together and take your time. Enjoy each other.
Dance Party
Put on your favorite music and have a dance party. Be sure to add some slow songs, and pretend it’s your first dance on the day of your wedding. You can even include the kids in the dance party. But then, put those little munchkins to bed, and enjoy the rest of your evening alone.
Dessert Getaway
Nothing takes you away like a mouthwatering dessert. Wait until the kids are in bed, and then whip out your favorite dessert. Share it just the two of you. Pop open a bottle of your favorite drink and indulge. Even if it’s only an hour, it’s time together.
Spa Party
Lock yourselves in your bedroom, light some candles, turn on soft music, and take turns giving each other massages. Then take a hot shower or bubble bath together.
Marital Congress
In this hectic season you may need to schedule your “adult nap times.” We can become so wrapped up in finding hand sanitizer and cleaning knobs that we can forget about adult “fun.” Go ahead put “playtime” on your calendar.
It is more important than ever that we stay connected and fan the romantic fire. We can be feeling very isolated and lonely. Frequently “connecting” with your spouse can fill your love tank and help you weather the corona-storm.